By Deepali

How to Make Sun-Dried Tomatoes at Home

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Sun-dry  and enhance the natural sugars in the tomatoes

Enjoy the rich, sweet, tangy flavor

Step 1

Thoroughly clean the tomatoes & slice them evenly or halve them

Step 2

Place them on a slightly raised bed to allow uniform evaporation

Step 3

Place the prepared tomatoes in the sun

Step 4

Bring them inside during the night to avoid evening dew adding moisture back to the tomatoes

Repeat this for 4 days upto 2 weeks till the tomatoes are dried completely

Step 5

Dry them till they loose 88-93% of their moisture and became dry but not crispy

Step 6

Store the sun-dried tomatoes properly in an air-tight jar

Tips for best sun-dried tomatoes

*Cover the tomatoes with a thin cheese cloth or muslin *There should be no inner moisture in the sun-dried tomatoes to avoid bacteria growth *If you are adding oil or herbs to sun-dried tomatoes then they need to be refrigerated after opening