I habitually measure all ingredients in spoons and cups and not on a weighing scale. I get very put off if I have to dig out my weighing scale and actually weigh an ingredient. :) I knew that sooner than later, I would need to break away from my comfort zone and provide my readers with basic conversion for all elements so that they can measure ingredients basis on their own comfort level rather than mine.
Cooking Measurement Conversion Chart
When I was re-designing this site, the designer and I spent a lot of time trying the best way to present the conversion but realized that automatically converting each ingredient from one measuring system to another is very complicated and not easily doable – when we bloggers are prone to using new ingredients and fancy units like few, a pinch, sprinkling of leaves, etc every so often. I didn’t want to lose that personal touch and make it too structured, giving a bit of scope for our idiosyncrasies.
These tables present to you the measurements that I use on LiG. But nothing takes away the simplicity of digging out that scale and weighing the ingredients – I know I need to practice what I preach. So here we are.