Homemade Eggless Chocolate Truffle Cake Recipe


Eggless Chocolate Truffle Cake is the best melt-in-mouth chocolate cake. Every bite is pure heaven and delicious. It’s rich and moist. Chocolate layers are baked and filled with chocolate ganache. It is then topped with some more melted chocolate.

I’m back, back, BACK!!! I was MIA for last 1 year & here I am again, hopefully not to go missing for a long gap this time around!

I conceived our second child last year & the smell of chocolate & vim kept me out of the kitchen for most part of the early months & then later on, a pre-schooler & heavily penguin-body kept me from working a lot. :)

Now the baby is out, penguin-body is slowly going back in (I’ve started resembling a pricked balloon which looses its shapes from all corners & curves before completely deflating!), & the risk of my falling all over with every step has reduced ,so here I am with something that I enjoy doing a lot – Baking!

My little one is 4 months old & has started to fall into a routine with her elder brother so life is slowly coming back into my control. :)

Though my husband strongly disputes this & foretell not a moment of peace for years to come with 2 kids on hand.

Well, I’m hopeful for normalcy in our lives soon (I’m all crossed, while writing this) ;)

The best place to re-start was where I stopped. I last baked 2 birthday cakes in September 2011 – V’s Eggless Blackforest Cake & Eggless Checkerboard Cake for me.

September is here again & our birthdays too! We are a year older & hopefully wiser too!

Since, V’s birthday falls first, it’s his turn! He volunteered to help me make a cake in all it’s glory this time,

I happily accepted. I can take all the credit if it turns out good & blame him if it falters ;)

We both are chocolate lovers & our older kiddo too. The young one is too young to know now, but hopefully she will also turn the same tide.

So, I decided to make a Chocolate Truffle Cake Recipe, simply for the reason, it is chocolate from bottom to top.

The base is a chocolate cake, the filling is chocolate, top is chocolate, garnish is chocolate. Chocolate in every bite, what more we 3 could want!

Delicious Homemade Eggless Chocolate Truffle Cake topped with rich ganache
Chocolate Truffle Cake

For the base I chose to make Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake from Barbara Bakes, a recipe which in itself is eggless & doesn’t require unnecessary experiment is always welcome, plus the reviews by Barbara, Deeba & others were great.

For the chocolate whipped cream filling I used a recipe from Sugar & Stilettos which is from Dorie Greenspan’s BFMHTY. Chocolate Glaze from Cooking Channel TV & Chocolate Garnish from Neeta Mehta’s Cakes & Cake Decorations.

In place of heavy whipping cream I’ve earlier used Amul in Eggless Blackforest Cake with not very great results. This time I’ve tried my luck again for chocolate whipped cream, as I came across a technique for beating it better in Cakes & Cake Decorations.

It simply says – refrigerate the cream tetra pack for 2 hours to allow the liquid content to settle down (NOT in freezer ).

Carefully remove & cut the pack fully from top. Gently discard the liquid. Transfer the cream to a whipping bowl & keep in freezer for about 1 hr. Whip into submission. :)

I did this with wonderful results.

I felt the best way is to simply use a spoon & scoop out the thick cream gently.

Tilting would mix the two to some extent.

Close-up of the Chocolate Truffle Layers in the Homemade Eggless Cake

The cake rose well & was perfect to slice through in layers. BUT after this my game plan went for a toss. Decorating the cake was full of stupid mistakes on my part – first I forgot to frost the first layer, then I forgot to soak the 3rd layer & if this wasn’t enough then while putting back the top 2 layers, they broke apart & fell on the cake.

I managed to give it a bit of semblance though with glaze.

The final result was fairly ok except that instead of nice round cake with 3 layers, it became a Chocolate Truffle Mound. :)

I’m glad that I kept sugar less only as the cake was sufficiently sweet enough for all of us.

It was moist, bitter, mocha-ey with all the right proportions.

Truly a wonderful recipe. I was told repeatedly that this is the best chocolate cake ever they had. :)

V & V loved it. Both Vs contributed to the making by doing their bit (eating through the making ;)) Vedanta, my son loved it so much that ate with his hands which you can see for yourself. It makes all the effort & mistakes worthwhile!

Slice of Moist and Decadent Eggless Chocolate Truffle Cake on a plate
This one is for my 4 month old daughter & my second innings in food blogosphere :)

Quick Recipe to Make Chocolate Truffle Cake at Home

What’s the difference between chocolate cake and chocolate truffle cake?

Chocolate cake and chocolate truffle cake are both delicious desserts, but they have distinct differences in terms of ingredients, texture, and preparation. Here’s a comparison to highlight the how they are different:

Ingredients: Chocolate cake uses more traditional cake ingredients with cocoa powder or melted chocolate, while chocolate truffle cake uses high-quality chocolate and cream to create a dense, rich truffle-like texture. Chocolate ganache made using cream and chocolate chips is the key ingredient for making chocolate truffle cake.

Texture: Chocolate cake is lighter and fluffier, whereas chocolate truffle cake is denser and richer. Due to presence of chocolate truffle, deep chocolate and melt in mouth texture is incorporated in the chocolate truffle cake.

Preparation: Chocolate cake follows a standard cake-baking process, while chocolate truffle cake involves making a truffle or ganache mixture and often has a slightly more complex preparation method.

In essence, chocolate cake is a classic, lighter dessert, while chocolate truffle cake is a more luxurious, indulgent option with an intense chocolate flavor and rich, creamy texture.

What is the egg substitute in Chocolate Truffle Cake?

If you’re looking to make a chocolate truffle cake without eggs, there are several effective substitutes that can maintain the cake’s rich texture and moisture. Here are some popular egg substitutes for chocolate truffle cake:

1. Applesauce
Quantity: Use 1/4 cup of unsweetened applesauce per egg.
Notes: Applesauce adds moisture and a slight sweetness. It is perfect for maintaining the cake’s moisture.

2. Mashed Bananas
Quantity: Use 1/4 cup of mashed ripe banana per egg.
Notes: It adds moisture and a subtle banana flavor. It is used for binding and sweetness. eg quickbreads or tea cakes.

3. Yogurt or Buttermilk
Quantity: Use 1/4 cup of yogurt or buttermilk per egg.
Notes: Yogurt is known to add moisture and richness. It is best to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt or buttermilk for best results.

4. Silken Tofu
Quantity: Use 1/4 cup of blended silken tofu per egg.
Notes: Tofu creates a dense and moist texture. Blend until smooth before adding to the batter.

5. Flaxseed Meal
Quantity: Mix 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoons of water per egg. Let it sit for a few minutes until it becomes gelatinous.
Notes: Flaxseed egg acts as a binder and adds a slightly nutty flavor. It is considered ideal for vegan baking or to be used in cookies or brownies.

6. Chia Seeds
Quantity: Mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water per egg. Let it sit for a few minutes until it forms a gel.
Notes: Similar to flaxseed meal, it acts as a binder and adds a slight crunch.

7. Commercial Egg Replacers
Quantity: Follow the instructions on the package (typically 1.5 teaspoons of egg replacer mixed with 2 tablespoons of water per egg).
Notes: Designed specifically to replace eggs and usually work well in most recipes.

What are the Tips for Using Egg Substitutes?

Tips for Using Egg Substitutes

Test Small Batches: If you’re trying a new substitute, consider testing a small batch first to ensure the texture and flavor meet your expectations.

Adjust Baking Time: Egg substitutes can affect the baking time. Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center of the cake—it should come out clean or with a few crumbs.

Combine Substitutes: Sometimes, combining two substitutes (e.g., applesauce and yogurt) can yield better results.

By choosing the right egg substitute, you can still enjoy a rich, moist, and delicious chocolate truffle cake without compromising on texture or flavor.

Sequence of Steps – I made the cake in steps over 3-4 days so as to allow time to work on it peacefully when kids are sleeping & to let the flavors really set in. I’ve listed the steps in the order I made them in.

Day 1 – Sharts & Curved Sticks

Day 2 – Sugar Syrup & Whipped Chocolate Cream

Day 3 – Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake, Whipped Cream & Chocolate Glaze

Day 4 – Birthday Boy cuts the cake :)

Chocolate Truffle Cake

The most decadent and moist chocolate truffle cake.
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time2 hours
Total Time2 hours 30 minutes
Course: Baking, Dessert
Cuisine: Vegetarian
Keyword: Bakery, chocolate, Coffee, eggless
Servings: 9 inch layered cake


for the cake

  • 3 cup all purpose flour
  • cup sugar granulated
  • ½ cup cocoa powder unsweetened
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 cup hot water
  • ¾ cup olive oil
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 tbsp instant coffee granules
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

for chocolate whipped cream

  • 90 gram semi sweet chocolate finely chopped
  • 400 ml heavy cream
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar adjust as per taste

for chocolate glaze

  • ¾ cup heavy cream
  • tsp instant coffee granules dissolved in 2 tbsp of boiling water
  • 2 tbsp castor sugar
  • 240 gram dark chocolate finely chopped

for chocolate shards and curved sticks

  • 100 gram dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp white chocolate chips or coarsely grated

for the sugar syrup

  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ¾ cup water


for the cake

  • Pre-heat oven to 180 °C. Line the bottom of one 9 inch springform pan.
  • Whisk together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda & salt in a large mixing bowl. Do not use mixer.
  • Combine water, oil, vinegar, instant coffee & vanilla in a separate bowl.
  • Add to the dry ingredients & whisk till just combined. A few lumps are fine.
  • Pour batter into the prepared pan & bake for 50-60 mins till tooth pick inserted in center comes out clean.
  • Cool the cake in the pan on the rack for 15 minutes, then invert it on the rack. Leave it upside down to cool, it helps in flattening any dome shape.
  • Once completely cool, keep it in refrigerator for 15-20 mins to allow the cake to firm up, it will ease the slicing of cake.

for chocolate whipped cream

  • In a large heatproof bowl, place the chocolate.
  • In a heavy bottomed saucepan, stir the cream & sugar & bring to a boil. Remove the pan from heat & pour over the chocolate. With a whisk, beat the chocolate & cream together vigorously. You should achieve a smooth mixture. Allow it to cool at room temperature.
  • Once cold, cover the cream so avoid strong odors & refrigerate for 24 hrs (atleast for 4 hrs minimum).
  • With a whisk or electric hand mixer, beat the cream till it is almost thick. This will happen very quickly. The cream should be just firm enough to spread but not so firm that it looses it lightness & creaminess. Whipped cream can be stored upto 3 hours.

for chocolate glaze

  • Bring the cream, instant coffee granules & sugar just to a simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat.
  • Remove from the heat & add chocolate. Allow it to stand till chocolate softens (about 3 mins).
  • Gently stir using a spatula till chocolate melts & the glaze is smooth. Do not whisk.
  • Strain the chocolate glaze into a measuring cup.
  • Let stand until slightly warm (tepid) but still liquid & pourable (about 15 mins).

for chocolate sharts and curved sticks

  • Melt the chocolate using double boiler method.
  • Spread half of the melted chocolate on a butter paper in a thin layer using a palette knife.
  • Quickly sprinkle white chocolate chips on the melted chocolate strip.
  • Allow it to set in fridge for 15-20 mins. Remove from fridge & remove butter paper.
  • Break into uneven shapes. Spread in a plastic/ melamine plate & again allow it to firm up in chill tray.
  • For making sticks, pour remaining melted chocolate in a paper cone. Cut out slightly big tip. Squeeze out zig-zag lines in criss cross manner on the butter paper. Set them like sharts.
  • Chocolate Sharts & sticks can be made 1 week in advance.

for the sugar syrup

  • Boil water & sugar together. Once it boils, lower the flame & allow it to heat for another 1 minute. Remove from heat & cool completely. It can be made in advance & stored in refrigerator.

assembling the cake

  • Transfer the cake on to a platter. Then using a long serrated knife, slice it into 3 layers.
  • Make some holes into the bottom layer using a form. Soak the bottom layer in sugar syrup. Then lightly spread whipped chocolate cream over it. Place the second layer on top of the bottom layer & repeat the process of soaking & spreading cream. Finally place the top layer & again soak it. Lightly spread the cream on top & sides of the cake. Refrigerate the cake for 1 hr.
  • Transfer the cake to a wire rack. Place a cookie sheet under it to catch any excess dripping chocolate.
  • Pour the glaze in the center of the cake & tilt the rack to cover the sides of the cake as well.
  • Allow the excess to run down the sides of the cake.
  • Decorate with chocolate sharts & sticks.
  • Refrigerate the cake until glaze sets (about 1 hr). I refrigerated for 24 hrs prior to cutting covered in a cake dome as I wanted the flavors to really set in. Serve chilled.

Join the Conversation

  1. I am sure the 2 kids will keep you on toes perpetually and all the excess flab will vanish in the coming months ! BTW heart congrats on the lil bundle of joy and the cake is a lavish treat and must have tasted swell. Also welcome back to blogging !

  2. Prerna Mehrotra says:

    Its an absolute fabulous cake….baked it for my daughters’ b’day and my friends could not believe that it was homemade. Well done Deepali and keep posting such yummy recipes :)

      1. hii..
        I live in small town so here amul cream is not available…so any another option which is available in my kitchen…
        can I use full fet milk with added 
        milk’s cream for chocolate truffle???
        please please…reply me fast because I want make cake on my sister birthday and after one week she’s birthday is coming so…please reply fast…

        1. please please…… reply me…

        2. Hi Jui. I believe Amul Cream should be available across India. If it is not available then do not use milk for making ganache. It has to be heavy cream. You can use some other form of icing for the cake.

  3. Except for replacing the water with milk, I made no change at all , only made into cupcakes. Truly worthy mention as an eggless creation. Thanks alot for sharing and God bless.

    1. I am glad it turned out well for you. Thank you Mary.

  4. swarupa subhedar says:

    Deepali awesum cake.. planning to bake it for my daughters bthday… which brand bittersweet chocolate did u use?? N instead of baking one single cake n thn cut i nto layers what if i bake 3 diff cake layers n thn assemble just to avoid the cutting difficulty that you faced too… am quite a beginner… pls suggest…

    1. Hi Swarupa. Thanks for stopping by. I usually use Morde Dark Chocolate since it is more commonly available, or Lindt which is available in many grocery stores especially if they stock imported chocolates in India. Yes even I avoid cutting the cake & baking in different pans. But since I use a small microwave/ convection oven for all my baking, I can’t bake layers together. So that is why sometimes I need to bake one cake & then cut it. You can divide this recipe in 3 pans or half the recipe & then bake 1 layer. Then prepare another half batch & bake the 2nd layer if you want a 2 layer cake. For a beginner I suggest sticking to 2 layers & not 3 from this quantity. You can bake a 3rd layer separately from half the quantity ie use 1 1/2 of this recipe to prepare 3 separate layers. Hope this helps.

      1. Hey thanks a ton for ur prompt response… even i bake in microwave convection..
        Now again i have 2 doubts…. 1st is baking done in microwave convection mode or plain convection mode… 2nd does microwave convection bake faster compared to otg coz i have tried n recipes saying bake for 40 mins or odd but my m/w convection i guess bakes in 10 min coz when i go as per recipe the cake either hardens or gets burnt… :(….

        1. Baking is done in Convection mode only. As per my understanding there is no microwave convection mode. Though the equipment model is called Microwave/ Convection denoting that it can be used as a Microwave as well as in Convection mode.

          I have been baking in Convection mode for last 4 years & in my experience the time difference is only by few minutes up or down & not by 30mins as observed in your comment. If you keep the temperature same, same size pan & using the same quantity of recipe then the bake should be done in roughly the same amount of time with 4-5 minutes up or down. but if you change any of these things then the timing varies. I suggest double checking your pan size, if the pan is too deep or too small or too big then the time will vary.

          If you still face the same problem then you need to get your oven checked for temperature calibration.

          1. Hey thanks a ton… lemme recheck…. :)…. n wish me luck with this cake…. will post u again if it bcums a hit…

  5. Hey Deepali the cake turned out awesum…thanks a ton for ur guidance… i wish i could send u d pic…

    1. I am so glad it turned out good. Thanks for your feedback. :)

  6. Shivani Virwal says:

    Can I use morde in whipped cream and ganache..??

    1. Shivani, Yes you can. I use Morde too.

  7. Rajvee Parekh says:

    Hi.. Your recipe looks wonderful but I’m just curious; why haven’t you used baking powder ??

  8. Thanks Rajeev, the old fashion version doesn’t need baking powder. All recipes not necessarily use both bath baking powder and soda.

  9. Rajvee Parekh says:

    Ohh ohkay… thanks so much for replying me.. great recipe anyway.. :) And, it is Rajvee.. :P

  10. oops sorry for the name.

  11. Manali Golatkar Rikame says:

    I tried this and it was a superhit. Everyone loved it… cupcakes with same batter also turned out superb. Cupcake were done in 25-28 minutes. Only things is the cake needs to be tasted after it completely cools down.

  12. Awww.. Thank you so much Manali.. Yes most eggless cakes need to be cooled down before bit into.. :)

  13. Manali Golatkar Rikame says:

    Can we keep the batter and bake in batches ? or does it need to go in oven immediately after mixing ??

  14. Manali, no you cannot keep a batter. You need to use it up immediately. The rising agent like soda will loose its properties and the cake will not rise if baked later.

  15. Lopamudra Das says:

    Hi Deepali. So I made this cake for the birthday party of a friend’s daughter. I have to tell you Deepali the cake was the star of the party. Everyone was raving about it. It tasted way better than store bought ones.The only thing I did differently was I soaked the sponge with orange juice instead of sugar syrup and spread a thin layer of orange marmalade before adding chocolate cream. I also made a white chocolate collar to go around the cake. Thank you so much for the recipe. It’s definitely a keeper. This truly is the best chocolate cake ever.

  16. I am so glad it was a success!!

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