Is Strawberry a perfect healthy dessert?


Strawberry is a deliciously sweet and tangy fruit that is ideal to relish raw or use in multiple easy dessert options from smoothies, no-bake chocolate strawberry tart, strawberry ombre cake, and strawberry pie to name a few.

Strawberry | Photostory

From my travels to Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani we got 3 kilos of fresh and ripe strawberries.
As a photographer, it is a delight to work with subjects as beautiful and vibrant as strawberries.

Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory
Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory

When we buy, we always plan to eat some, then store some for my strawberry baking, smoothies, and other delicacies.

Strawberry | Photostory

But when we reach home and unpack, V can’t help but eat all and thinks baking with fruit is a waste of money if the fruit can be consumed fresh. His logic!

Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory
Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory

But anyways the same happened with these as well. To finish them as fresh fruit and not freeze them for future use, we ate three kilos in record 3 days. :|

Strawberry | Photostory

To bid farewell to the season of strawberries I have only these images to show for.
And hope that next season I can freeze some for my use.

Strawberry | Photostory

How it looks
The fruit is well known for its characteristic aroma, and deep red color. It is also sweet in taste and has a juicy texture. Strawberry is rich in Vitamin C and a good source of antioxidants.

Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory
Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory

What is the best season?
Strawberries prefer cooler summers and are usually available from late Spring to early Summer in warm areas of South America and southern Arizona. The best variety is widely available in the month of June. In warmer places like California, Florida, Asia, etc strawberries are produced in the Winter months.

Strawberry | Photostory

How to choose
Choose strawberries with bright red color, a natural sheen, and fresh green caps on top. They should always be refrigerated and kept dry.

Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory
Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory

Why to eat
Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, They help reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart-related diseases. They are also excellent sources of Magnesium.

Strawberry | Photostory

Where to find
Strawberries are considered native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere including South America. However, it is now cultivated widely throughout the world.

Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory
Bidding Adieu to Strawberry Season | Photostory

When to eat
Morning is considered to be the best time to consume strawberries. The digestive system breaks down the sugar present in strawberries quickly during morning hours and provides our body with all the essential nutrients. Though some faction of dieticians also recommend eating strawberries during the night hours as the antioxidants present in strawberries can help with sleep disorders.

How to eat
With intact green stems, rinse berries under cool water to remove any impurities. After rinsing, gently blot dry and consume as you wish.

Strawberry | Photostory

What ayurveda says
As per Ayurveda, strawberries are considered useful for managing constipation due to their laxative properties. Strawberry is also commonly used in various cosmetic products due to its skin healing and soothing properties.
Shelf Life
The shelf-life of fresh strawberries is 3–4 days under refrigeration and at room temperature, they are good for 1-2 days.

Amazing Facts
The early fruit tastes the sweetest
Biologically, strawberries belong to the Rose family
Strawberries contain more Vit C than oranges
Americans eat 8 lbs of strawberries every year
20th May is National Pick Strawberries Day
Belgium has a dedicated museum just for strawberries

As a photographer, it is a delight to work with subjects as beautiful and vibrant as strawberries.

Join the Conversation

  1. Interesting Photographs of the valuable fruit…. A good Presentation!

    1. Thanks Sreedhar :)

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