Annual Cake-Mixing Tradition


Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony is an annual ritual which is a tradition if you make plum cakes, rum cakes during the holiday season. I was invited to one such event at Westin Pune.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune

Autumn brings the leaves and the beginning of festive season. Kids wait in anticipation for Santa Claus and gifts. Homes are filled with aroma of cake and cookie baking. My home is no different. Every year I also bake special Christmas and festive goodies and these boozy cakes. I make my own candied ginger, candied peel and soak all the dried fruits and nuts in rum or a liquor of choice.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Dried fruits and nuts arranged in a pattern
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Guests enjoying getting their hands dirty

This year when I was invited for the annual 1200 lb cake mixing ceremony at Westin, Pune I was happy to attend. The staff had put in lot of effort in creating and arranging dried fruits and nuts to write the name of the venue, Prego.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Fun along the way
Before and After
Before and After

To mix the attendees included their GM, guests, staff, head chef to name a few.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Hands-on chef

Everyone had lots of fun getting high on the aroma of free flowing booze. And this is not the end of its booze, once the cake is ready, it will be further replenished with more booze. Adding more booze keeps it moist as well as acts as a preservative.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
And we empty the whole barrel
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
The aftermath

I can’t wait to have a slice of this cake when it is ready, sometime in December 2nd week.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Guests are having so much fun
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
Geared up

Bring on the festive season.

Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune
There is nothing like enough booze
Annual Cake-Mixing Ceremony | Westin Pune`
The more the merrier

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