How to Blanch Tomatoes? (In Simple Steps)


How to Blanch Tomatoes or Smoky Blanched Tomatoes is a very easy recipe or DIY step to add charcoal flavor to your soups or curries. I have grown up seeing my mom do this for most of her soup recipes. It’s a great way to remove the skin of the tomatoes quickly.

Some of my other DIY or How to can be found here like how to dry mint, how to roast jeera or DIY cumin powder, how to make ganache.

Blanched tomatoes with its skin on a tray ready to be peeled off
Blanching Tomatoes

Before I begin this post, I have a BIG news to share. I finally did it!!! Yes. Yes. Yes.

I bought my first dSLR & a image processing PC with good configuration. Do you want details? Even if you don’t want, I will still be sharing them later in the week. *wink* That’s me!

Top view of the blanched tomatoes in a tray with the slices of lemon
How To Blanch Tomatoes

Coming back to the post, I know that most of you know how to blanch tomatoes but I have seen so many different versions of blanching using boiling, steaming or plain peeling that I decided to share my own method of blanching which again I have picked up from my mother.

Blanched tomatoes displayed in a tray for peeling

The step is simple in less than a minute you have a blanched tomato. Dig in a fork into a tomato and slowly move it over a slow-medium flame and voila! The skin bubbles and comes off on its own.

You are left with easy to peel off skin and a great smoky flavor.

Perfectly blanched tomatoes on a kitchen counter, ready for cooking

The only drawback to this process is that if you have many tomatoes to blanch then this may seem tedious. But I personally prefer this one for any number of tomatoes and have always used this method.

So here to smoky blanched tomatoes.

Step-by-Step Process to Blanch Tomatoes

How To Blanch Tomatoes

A quick and easy way to blanch tomatoes. It leaves with a lovely smoky flavor to the tomatoes.
Prep Time2 minutes
Active Time5 minutes
Total Time7 minutes
Course: DIY, Sauce
Cuisine: Italian
Keyword: Quick & Easy, Vegetable


  • 7-8 tomatoes firm
  • 1 fork


  • Wash & clean tomatoes. Pat dry them using a soft muslin cloth.
  • Take a tomato and pierce it with the fork at the top.
  • Now slowly rotate the tomato engorged on the vine of the fork over a fire slow-medium flame while holding the fork.
  • As you move the fork you will notice the skin of the tomato begins to bubble, char and shrink. It starts splitting in various places.
  • Once the you feel that the skin is charred nicely and the skin is now slightly disengaged from the tomato, remove from the flame.
  • Repeat the process for remaining tomatoes.
  • Once the tomatoes, cool down, remove the skin completely using your fingers.
  • Use the smoky and peeled tomatoes for soups, curries or just as salad.


You can use a grilling pan as well to achieve  the smoky flavor of the tomatoes.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this useful post !

    1. Thanks Ananya. My pleasure.

  2. Thank for another tasty post :) I am sure your kids never run out of options when it comes to eat something exciting and tasty for sure, as they have a talented mother :)

    1. Oh Thanks a ton Rakesh. You made my day. Yeah I started this blog when I embarked on feeding my kids home baked goodies. so in a way this food blog exist mostly for feeding my family. :)

  3. Hello deepali,

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    1. Thanks Pranjali for visiting my space. Would surely visit yours soon.

  4. Rashmi Rai says:

    That’s so smart -quick, quirky &tasty…..just the twist required to make food so wonderfully delicious….thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Rashmi. I am glad you liked it. :)

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