Oranges and Indian Gooseberries: Winter Superfood


Welcome, 2015! Happy New year to all my readers.

I just got back last night from a short but lovely trip in the hills surrounding our region.

And got a boxful of fresh strawberries for storing in the future. One of the occasions would be a birthday cake for the sonny boy in a fortnight.

The strawberry photos will come soon. But for now, I will leave you with oranges and gooseberries for the season.

I have been giving myself a daily dose of fresh gooseberry juice to my kids. It is very simple, I wash and de-seed the berries, then grind them in a chutney jar. Squeeze to collect the juice. You may need to strain the juice while squeezing to avoid crumbs.

Kiddos are loving the oranges too this season, the prime attraction being the web their dad taught them to make using an orange peel.

Juicy oranges placed on a table showcasing its bright colour
How it looks

Oranges: Oranges are round-shaped fruit that grows on a tree. Orange trees are characterized by dark green shiny leaves with small white flowers with five petals. The flowers blooming on orange trees have a very sweet smell and tend to attract many bees. Orange has thick shiny orange-colored skin.

Indian Gooseberries: Indian gooseberry, or amla, belongs to a fruit family that is native to Asia. They grow on a tree that has yellow-green flowers that bloom into round, edible fruits of the same color. The fruits are round with a stone pit and thin peel. They are sour, bitter, and astringent in taste.

What is the best season?

Oranges: The best time to indulge in seasonal oranges is from November to March.

Indian Gooseberries: They are best grown during the months of June-July.

How to choose

Oranges: For the sweetest fruit, choose firm, full-colored, smooth, and thin-skinned oranges. Avoid soft, squishy, bruised, or with mold on them.

Indian Gooseberries:  Choose fresh Indian gooseberries which are clear, smooth, and do not have patches or cuts. It should be round in shape with vertical stripes.

Fresh Oranges and Indian Gooseberries plucked from trees

Why to eat

Oranges: Oranges protect our cells from damage, and give smoother skin. It is also known to absorb iron to fight anemia and boosts the immune system to fight against germs.

Indian Gooseberries: They keep us healthy by reducing cholesterol, without affecting HDL or the “good” cholesterol. It is also commonly used for persistent heartburn. It is a rich source of natural Vit C and calcium. It is considered effective against dandruff.

Where to find

Oranges: are native to the tropical regions of Asia.

Indian Gooseberries: The Indian gooseberry is native to India and the Middle East.

When to eat 

Oranges: Oranges should be eaten first thing in the morning for breakfast, after a day’s nap or rest, or after fasting overnight. It can also be eaten as a snack between main meals

Indian Gooseberries: The best time to eat amla is early morning when the temperature dips. It helps in cleansing the colon and removes excess toxins from the body.

Close-up view of fresh oranges

How to eat

Oranges: They can be enjoyed as fresh fruit, squeezed into juice, the orange peel can be candied, they can be added as a flavor to baked goodies, and zest can be used to add flavor. It is also commonly preserved as jam. These are some common ways to eat oranges.

Indian Gooseberries: Amla is usually eaten as a pickle, or as a side in some households. It is commonly consumed as a powder or sweet and savory candy.

What ayurveda says

Oranges: According to Ayurveda, orange peels are highly effective in treating skin-related diseases that originate from the imbalances of various doshas. As peels are dry and astringent in nature, they are excellent for treating acne and oily skin. 

Indian Gooseberries: The Charaka Samhita says, “Amala is the best among rejuvenating herbs.” Amla is considered potent and nourishing for most people.

Shelf Life

Oranges: They stay good for about a week at room temperature. When refrigerated, they last for about a month.

Indian Gooseberries: Amla is highly perishable and has a short shelf life of 5-6 days. You can increase the shelf life by freezing amla for a few weeks and then converting them into pickles or candy when out of the freezer.

Amazing Facts


They are the largest citrus fruit in the world.

Orange juice is the most popular fruit juice in the whole of America.

There are more than 600 varieties of fresh oranges available worldwide.

Indian Gooseberries:

The amla tree is worshiped on Ekadashi for Lord Vishnu.

Gooseberries come in four different colors- red, white, green, and yellow.

Amla is one of the most important fruits of Ayurveda.

Kiddos are loving the oranges too this season, the prime attraction being the web their dad taught them to make using an orange peel.

Join the Conversation

  1. Love oranges. We are headed to Pune tomorrow. What’s your weekend looking like?

    1. Hey. No plans yet. Which part are you planning to be?

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