How to Dry Mint Leaves (Pudina Pata) at Home? | Top Methods for Dried Mint Leaves


How to make your own Dried Mint is the easy-peasy way to dry mint leaves. Dried mint is a great addition to raitas, or herb tomatoes.

After my mom pulled me up for putting out an incorrect version of her tip, I decided to correct it for my readers too. The leaves should be dried in shade & not in Sun. If you dry in sun, then the leaves darken & turn blackish and loose lot of its flavor. So it should always dried in shade to retain the gentle color of drying leaves.

This is another of staples in my kitchen. I have never bought ready-to-use dried mint leaves.

Dried mint leaves kept in a bowl

It is so easy to make that I would not like to buy it. Just like Roasted Cumin Seeds.

Fresh mint leaves (pudina pata) kept in a glass for drying

I keep this handy to add to buttermilkraita, etc.

Close-up of mint leaves spread on a cloth for drying

Thoroughly wash & clean the mint leaves from the stem and spread them out on a baking sheet.

Comparison of fresh mint leaves and dried mint leaves side by side

After 2-3 days of Sun, you have dried mint leaves ready! Easy Peasy!!

Fresh mint leaves spread on a table, ready to get dry

I also use dried mint leaves/ flakes sometimes in pizza too. I know I am crazy! ;)

Hand crushing dried mint leaves into a container

How Do You Use Dried Pudina Pata?

Pudina Pata kept in a container to dry

Step-by-Step Process to Dry Fresh Mint Leaves

How To Dry Mint At Home

Dried Mint leaves powder perks up yoghurts & dips very easily. It so easy to make that you would never buy it outside.
Prep Time5 minutes
Active Time1 day
Total Time22 hours 5 minutes
Course: DIY
Cuisine: Indian, Vegetarian
Keyword: Quick & Easy


  • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves


  • Pluck the leaves only from the bunch, leaving behind the stem. Thoroughly rinse them.
  • Now gently spread them on a baking sheet. Cover it with light weight cotton like muslin.
  • Place it in shade for 2-3 days. The leaves will curl & start drying up. Allow them to dry up completely.
  • Now gently crush them into powder form using your hands. You can use them without crushing also.


Keep the leaves in shade otherwise the color blackens.

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  1. Homemade stuff always wins :). Thanks for sharing this useful tip.

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