Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory


The more I shoot, the more I feel I need to go Back to School.

Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory

It may be true that I am getting appreciated, I am getting recognition and have also started monetizing But that nagging thought remains.

Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory

I have even short-listed the course I wish to pursue and may have got the money to pay for it but when it comes to managing kids is what holds me back.

Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory

I hope I could sort out all of this and go for it. I would really like to.

Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory
Pea Shells and Papaya | A Photostory

I am throwing this in the expansive universe after ages, ‘I want to pursue the selected short-term course, all things fall into place.’

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  1. Dipali, I too have this urge to do creative writing courses, but due to a lot of reasons it just hasn’t happened till now. I hope that the universe conspires to send you for the photography course. Hope everything falls into place and you can attend. All my wishes coming your way :)

    1. Thank you Anjana. I hope our wishes come true for both of us. :)

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