Kalmi Vada


Kalmi Vada or green gram crispies is a great snack. It can be made ahead by partially frying for a kitty party. And then deep fried again for crispy snack or starter.

Last week I posted Paneer Do Pyaza recipe made by my sister and I got a lot of traffic for that. This week I am presenting another of my sister’s speciality, Kalmi Vadas.

Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies
Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies

They are typically a Rajasthani dish served with spicy coriander-mint chutney as snacks or starters pre-dinner.

Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies
Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies

But in the cities of Southern UP like Allahabad, it is primarily enjoyed as a chaat topped with yogurt dip & jaggery-tamarind chutney.

Today I am going to showcase the snack version, the chaat version will follow soon.

Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies
Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies

It is utterly delicious and you just can’t eat one.

Kalmi Vada

A make-ahead party starter or can be served as chaat for the mood.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Course: Appetizer, Snack
Cuisine: Indian, Vegetarian
Keyword: Quick & Easy
Servings: 12 people


  • 2 cup chana dal split bengal gram
  • 1 cup urad dal split black gram
  • 4-5 green chili finely chopped
  • inch ginger finely chopped
  • 2 tsp fennel seeds saunf
  • ½ tsp whole coriander seeds
  • ¼ tsp red chili powder
  • ½ tsp coriander powder dhania powder
  • a pinch all spice powder garam masala
  • ½ tsp asafetida hing
  • to taste salt


  • Soak both chana and urad dal together overnight. Strain them next morning and grind coarsely in a processor.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and spices to the batter. Allow the batter to ferment for 2 hours.
  • Lightly wet your palm and shape the batter into oval rolls. Deep fry each roll into golden brown till half done. Allow them to cool.
  • Once cool, slice each roll vertically into 4-5 pieces such that they resemble long finger or crispies.
  • Deep fry the sliced fingers again, crisping them nicely. Serve hot with chutney and some sprinkled chaat masala.


  1. You can store the deep-fied rolls after the first frying in freezer for upto 3 weeks.
  2. Easily turn this into a chaat by serving the crispies with yogurt dip & tamarind-jaggery paste.


Join the Conversation

  1. crispy vada and super coincidence with the title.i am from lemonkurry.com.happy to see ur site here

    1. Hey, thanks Ramya. I nice coincidence and you have lovely blog there. I am glad to have visited it.

  2. This is a cool recipe! I have not tasted this vada but can imagine the taste. I came here from seeing this on ‘foodgawker’. Love your photos and you have a wonderful blog with excellent recipes! Keep rocking!

    1. Thank you Sridevi. I am so glad you like my blog. :)

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