Grilled Stuffed Capsicum Recipe | Grilled Stuffed Bell Peppers


Grilled Stuffed Capsicum is prepared by stuffing capsicum discs with a spiced potato mix and grilling it together. This serves as a snack or a side dish which can be prepared with basic ingredients quickly.

Hop on to the blog to check more such snack options like Tandoori Paneer Tikka, Pan-Fried Black Chana Kebabs and Kalmi Vada | Gram Dal Crispies.

This again is my mom’s recipe & style, well no actually my dad’s! He would happily grill these for us while mom looked after other chores, in those days a husband cooking or even making a cup of tea, was a very welcome change in an Indian household. So some very special memories attached to this recipe!

Close-up of grilled stuffed bell peppers filled with a colorful veggie mix

This is a quick snack or side dish for a party, if done well it makes great presentation. As you can see I did try to make the presentation for the photo, but failed miserably (story of my blogging boo hoo…)

Stuffed capsicums being prepared with seasoned stuffing before grilling

V like as a snack with drinks sometimes, I like it both ways.

Sliced grilled bell pepper revealing the savory stuffing inside

Easy Steps to Make Grilled Stuffed Capsicum/Grilled Stuffed Peppers

Grilled Stuffed Capsicum

Grilled Stuffed Capsicum is prepared by stuffing capsicum discs with a spiced potato mix and grilling it together. This serves as a snack or a side dish which can be prepared with basic ingredients quickly.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Course: Snack
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: Vegetable
Servings: 4 people


  • 2 bell pepper capsicum, medium sized
  • 3 boiled potatoes medium sized
  • 2-3 green chilies
  • ¼ tsp turmeric powder haldi
  • 1 tsp coriander powder dhania powder
  • to taste salt
  • 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil for grilling


  • Carefully remove the core from capsicums, leaving the shell intact. Slice them about ½" thick rings.
  • In a separate bowl, break down the boiled potatoes using your hand. Add in spices & green chili. Mix well. I prefer the chunky bites of potato in this. If you like finer, you can grate the potatoes.
  • Now place a capsicum ring on your palm and then using the other hand, press the potato filling in each capsicum ring. Do not be afraid and try to press in as much filling as you can without breaking the ring. Upon grilling, capsicum will loose its firmness slightly & if the filling is not compact then it might come off during the process.
  • Repeat this for all rings.Heat a large gridle and spread 1 Tbsp oil.
  • Carefully place all the prepared rings on the hot gridle leaving space between rings to turn around them later. Now grill them on slow fire for about 15-20 mins.
  • Using a flat spatula, turn them around gently for the other side to grill. You can add more oil at this point if you want. Again allow it grill on slow for another 10-15 mins.
  • Once done, remove on a platter and serve hot with paranthas or Indian flat bread.

Join the Conversation

  1. Oh wow! This is your Dad’s recipe? Sounds so good, yet simple. Love how the top of the grilled capsicum has turned out so perfectly golden in color.

    And as always, your photography is beautiful Deepali :)

    1. Thank you Priya. As I said you are good for my ego :)

  2. Dear Deepali :)) I’m so proud of myself, didn’t have to google a thing! :))) I like the recipe, and I don’t know why you complain, the photos are very edible :))

  3. hahaha Jasmina.. I’m sure Google Search wouldn’t like it if you won’t use them :)

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