Strawberry Malai Kulfi


Strawberry Malai Kulfi is a twist on classic malai kulfi. Made with condensed milk, reduced or evaporated milk and cashew powder, it is a great dessert. Rich and deliciously simple dessert.

Strawberry Kulfi

Summer is here with a vengeance and what better to stay cool but with delicious homemade kulfis and that too in strawberry flavor?

Strawberry Kulfi

I adapted my earlier recipe of malai kulfi by adding strawberries. I initially didn’t stew the strawberries and just added them after crushing but the kulfi didn’t turn very creamy, so next time I stewed and cooked the strawberries first and then added them to the kulfi. The water content of strawberries evaporated and gave a much better texture.

Strawberry Kulfi

Don’t let this summer heat take over you and enjoy creamy kulfi!

Strawberry Kulfi

Strawberry Malai Kulfi

Strawberry Malai Kulfi is a twist on classic malai kulfi. Made with condensed milk, reduced or evaporated milk and cashew powder, it is a great dessert. Rich and deliciously simple dessert.
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time35 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Vegetarian
Keyword: Quick & Easy
Servings: 12 kulfis


  • 2 litre full cream milk
  • 400 gram condensed milk
  • 4 tbsp cashew nut kaju, coarsely ground
  • 1 tsp cardamom powder elaichi powder
  • 2 kg fresh strawberries cleaned & roughly chopped
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • pistachios & almonds pista, kaju slivers for topping


  • In a thick bottom vessel, reduce the milk to half the quantity on a slow flame. When it is reduced, add condensed milk & heat for another minute or so. Allow it to cool.
  • In the meanwhile, cook strawberries on slow flame. Allow them to release their juices and slightly thicken. Add sugar and cook for another couple of minutes. Gently mix the stewed strawberries. Let them cool.
  • When thickened milk is cool, add cashews, cardamom powder and stewed strawberries. Blend well with a whisk. Pour into moulds or ice-cream tins for setting. Set in freezer overnight. Demold & serve chilled. Garnish using chopped pistachio or almond slivers.


You can use similar method to make kulfi from any fruit of your choice.

Join the Conversation

  1. Jyotirmoy Sarkar says:

    From last few days i am thinking to prepare ice cream which i do frequently every year during summer, this time i will try this at first.

  2. Yes thats a great start to summer I say!

  3. jaipurthru mylens says:

    The best thing about this kulfi is that this is home made. One can eat without worrying about harmful chemicals that come added in the commercial ones in the market. great photography!

  4. Yummilicious recipe. For more you can also reach

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